Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Castor oil - hair growth n softness

Now if you know me personally you know how much I don't treat my hair as well as I should. Been dying it since year 12 or so my hair has turned red, purple, ginger and ashy blonde (parts of it) not to forget trying but failed to have the ombré effect.

Basically it's been through a lot and I have the tendency to split my split ends which is basically a suicide for that strand. It had been a a bad habit since I was in primary school since I had long like lonnng to the bum hair.

So I have been applying castor oil to my hair and leaving it overnight and washing it the next day. I am amazed. I do use hair shampoos with keratin and use hair masks but the result isn't the same as using castor oil. I am trying to as most girls grow my hair and it doesn't budge probably from splitting the split ends! 

Castor oil is suppose to help the process of growing your hair. I am still in the process but I cannot stress how soft and healthy my hair feels! Even the next day the ends are still soft since it's harder to have that as I have split ends. 

Applied the oil 
Get it allll overrrrr

This is after blow drying it after washing it the next morning:

  I purchased the castor oil from eBay (150ml)

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Snippets of Nepal summer 2014

Doha transit

Childhood neighbourhood 

House we grew up in :"(